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Friday, September 28, 2007

- Being transformed: Facing democracy challenges

  • Sharing responsibility with students

Teacher: When I let the class vote on the priority order, it was to get a sense of the interest of the group but it came up with an order that it was not possible to follow 100%. The student's priorities didn't follow the logical book sequence. So the emancipatory pedagogy takes more time because the teacher needs to re-think the material he has already prepared in accordance to the audience needs. It requires a lot of preparing class time.

  • Sharing responsibility with principal

First the teacher passed to the school board the decision to accept or not a student to continue the course after he had missed the limit of the days allowed. Understanding that the school board would apply the number of missing class rigorously, the teacher decided to not kick another student despite missing the same number of classes than the other student.

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