A group of students are memorizing for a test using flash cards
S1: Why is it important to determine your learning style?
S2: To learn faster and efficiently
To understand how I process information
To understand my preferences
S1: What preferences?
S2: Maps, illustrations, flash cards, making a song, walk and read. You said you like to learn by listening, there are people who like to learn by teaching others, talkative people. I am right brained; I am more visual, more kinesthetic and less auditory
S1: How do you process information?
S2: ?
S1: Verbal or not, Linear or Random…like jumping from one place to another, Logical or Non Logical (Intuitive), Holistic or following a sequence of little facts, concrete or non concrete(symbolic)
S2: I am holistic, nonverbal, intuitive and...
S3: random.
S2: All these worlds. How do they help me?
S1: They help you to ask for help. Once you know you are right brained, you will be at ease to ask for help instead of just getting frustrated and lost in the classroom. The teacher might be talking about details when you didn't understand the big picture: You are holistic, intuitive. You would say: "I need to read the text before the lecture. Could you give me the materials to read about what you are going to teach tomorrow?"
S2: Are you dreaming? Is the teacher going to give me this material?
S1: At least, you would know what to ask him and he would be uncomfortable to say No.
S3: Or you could ask him the big picture and how these details connected to it?
S1: You could say you are stressed out, not following what he is saying. You could ask him to draw an illustration, a scheme, to show you what has been taught?
S2: I am lazy, we day dream together (laugh, and holding S3 arm)
S3: Yes, I day dream in class but I am not lazy. I am right brained too; I do extra work to be here. While a left brain student can learn by listening, I need to go back home, read the book, make the cards, put colors all around my things. See, these are my flash cards. I keep them in my purse.
S1: Right brained students like to read the answer first and try to guess question and they should always use a spell processor before giving the assignment to the teacher. Grammar is just too much detail for them...but they usually come up with clever answers in class because they use their GUT
S2: I always have incomplete assignments; I flip one task to another and forget about priorities
S1: The right brain must make a list and get into the habit of checking it everyday!
S2: What a curse to be right brained!
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