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Friday, September 28, 2007

- Escaping teacher’s agenda: Not getting involved

  • Not participating of the discussion

Student 1: How come?

Student 2: They want me to guess what they are thinking and I have my own ideas. I don’t like teacher’s “Guess what I’m thinking” game. They don’t want to listen to my ideas, I don’t say a word.

Student 1: Give me a concrete example…

Student 2: They ask “what should we have done” instead of “what could we have done” so they already have their idea…they are just pretending to be interested in our ideas.

Student 1: Ah, like yesterday on TV, they wanted audience opinion but the question was “don’t you think we have a moral responsibility to…?” Seriously, they should ask “what are the pros and cons...”

  • Avoiding looking at the teacher

Student 1:I was surprised that “Stress Management” was the first theme the class chose to study

Student 2: I thought it was a good choice. The relaxing techniques have helped me a lot. Don’t you feel stressed by coming to school?

Student 1: Yesterday I got so mad. I could use the deep breathing technique but I just stopped breathing…I tried to kill myself but unfortunately here I am (laugh). M1 (a classmate) had asked my help so I hadn’t read the text when the discussion began. I tried hard to understand what was going on…I was lost. Nothing was making sense. I was so irritated that I could not face the teacher so I turned to the side and I saw the phrase “Just do it!” on the side black board. That is what I need: a black board to understand me (laugh)

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